Work from Home Resources
Continuing Education, etc.
Resources for webinars and other continuing education resources
- ALA Archived Webinars Look for the on-demand options which state they are FREE
- edX: Take free online courses from the best universities and institutions in the world — Harvard, MIT, UC Berkeley, Microsoft, Tsinghua University, The Smithsonian and more.
- Class Central: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) delivered online and accessible to all for free.
- InfoPeople Infopeople provides library staff quality continuing education opportunities that are tailored to library needs and developed by experienced library professionals.
- Kansas State Library
- Learning Express Library: Follow the link from our website to take courses in Microsoft and others
- LinkedIn Learning: Has a one-month Free Trial option
- LLAMA (Library Leadership and Management Association): Primarily geared towards management, but another source for library webinars
- National Network of Libraries of Medicine
- Programming Librarian
- Public Library Association
- School Library Journal: Primarily webinars geared towards children's librarianship
- Ted: Talks about management, public service, and many other topics.
- Tech Soup: Look for options with no charge. Free options include things like Excel 101, and a newly created “remote work” track of courses
- Texas State Library: Lots of great archived webinars
- Webjunction: One of the best resources for library webinars. You need to create an account, but that should be free.
- Wyoming State Library: This is one of the best resources for combining all of the current webinars being offered this week. However, it is primarily for LIVE webinars, as opposed to archived webinars.
Learn the databases
Other tools
- Hennepin County Library Staff Development Resources: A really great resource this library system created for their library, with lots of great resources for continuing development.
- Webinars: Recommended webinars created by Jill Sodt of Mott Community College Library.
- Free Webinars and Trainings for Academic Library Workers (COVID-19) This was created for employees of academic libraries, so may have limited use, but may have some useful links
- Library Staff Training and Development: Webinars Here's another one that looks like it's geared to academic libraries, but still good links.
Recommended Webinars
If you really enjoyed a webinar, please let me know and I'll put it here to recommend it to everyone else!
- E-Read Texas: If you haven't yet watched this webinar, please do so. It goes into more about the SimplyE program.
- Mitigating COVID-19 When Managing Paper-Based, Circulating, and Other Types of Collections: Presented by CDC specifically for libraries and similar institutions, a good look at guidelines and ideas, especially for when we finally go back to work. One of the first links on the page is a link to the webinar recording.