Brownwood Area Seed Library

The Brownwood Library and Brownwood Area Community Garden are excited to announce the launch of the new Brownwood Area Seed Library!
A huge thank you to Walmart for starting our library with a large donation of seeds! If you have seeds you want to share, please drop them off at the library or the community garden.
In March of 2018, library members will be able to "check out" packets of seeds at the Brownwood Library. It's a fun way to try new seeds . . . and it's FREE! Just pick out your seeds, plant them, harvest seeds in the fall, and then bring a few back to the Library for the next growing season. (Harvesting seeds from your harvest and sharing them back to the Seed Library is the eventual goal. But there's no obligation to save seeds to participate.)
A huge thank you to Walmart for starting our library with a large donation of seeds! If you have seeds you want to share, please drop them off at the library or the community garden.
In March of 2018, library members will be able to "check out" packets of seeds at the Brownwood Library. It's a fun way to try new seeds . . . and it's FREE! Just pick out your seeds, plant them, harvest seeds in the fall, and then bring a few back to the Library for the next growing season. (Harvesting seeds from your harvest and sharing them back to the Seed Library is the eventual goal. But there's no obligation to save seeds to participate.)

Here’s How:
- The Brownwood Area Seed Library will be kept at the main library, 600 Carnegie St., in Brownwood.
- A library card will be required to borrow seeds. Library cards are free but you must bring a valid, unexpired government-issued photo ID and an additional proof of residency (such as a water bill).
- Patrons must be at least 18 years of age to check out seeds.
- Each patron can take up to 5 packets of seeds in any 6-month period.
- Pick out your seed packets.
- “Check out” your seeds at the Reference Desk.
- Patrons who borrow seeds are encouraged but not required to bring back seeds the following season. (We do have some hybrid seeds. These do not work well for saving seeds. Please do not bring back any seeds labeled "hybrid.")
- The Library makes no guarantees about the success of any of the seeds in our collection.
- The seeds are for planting only. DO NOT EAT.
- Neither the Library nor the Community Garden are responsible for seed usage.

Each seed packet will include very basic information about the plant and planting instructions. For more details about each plant, patrons are encouraged to use some of the Library’s gardening resources. A librarian will be happy to help you locate just the right gardening book. You can also find tons of helpful information about your plants at the following websites:
Brown County Extension Office
Brownwood Area Community Garden Facebook Page
Vegetable Variety Selector Choose vegetable varieties that do best in Brown County
Texas A & M Tree Selector Find a variety that will work well in Brown County
The National Gardening Association
Garden Web
Gardener’s Supply Company
Dave’s Garden
*Gardener's Supply Company and Dave's Garden sell seeds, plants and gardening supplies, but also offer great "how to" articles
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange Planting Guides
Seed Savers Exchange Instructions on how to save seeds for specific plants
Common Poisonous Plants
The Brownwood Public Library and Brownwood Area Community Garden welcome any feedback and suggestions from our patrons as we continue to develop our Seed Library!
Brown County Extension Office
Brownwood Area Community Garden Facebook Page
Vegetable Variety Selector Choose vegetable varieties that do best in Brown County
Texas A & M Tree Selector Find a variety that will work well in Brown County
The National Gardening Association
Garden Web
Gardener’s Supply Company
Dave’s Garden
*Gardener's Supply Company and Dave's Garden sell seeds, plants and gardening supplies, but also offer great "how to" articles
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange Planting Guides
Seed Savers Exchange Instructions on how to save seeds for specific plants
Common Poisonous Plants
The Brownwood Public Library and Brownwood Area Community Garden welcome any feedback and suggestions from our patrons as we continue to develop our Seed Library!
Books, Magazines & Other Great Resources

Feel Free to Browse!
In the 635 call number range you will find a great assortment of books on all aspects of gardening – from flowers, herbs, fruits and vegetables to organic gardening, water features, roses and container gardening. Have fun browsing for the just the right book!
Texas Fruit & Vegetable Gardening by Greg Grant 635.09 GRAN
Excellent, colorful book for Texas gardeners growing fruits and vegetables!
Square Foot Gardening with Kids by Mel Bartholomew
This book is available as an eBook from out eBook platform, Big Country Overdrive. Anyone with a library card can borrow this eBook and download to your computer, Kindle or other eBook reader.
Grow All You Can Eat in Three Square Feet
This book is available as an eBook from out eBook platform, Big Country Overdrive. Anyone with a library card can borrow this eBook and download to your computer, Kindle or other eBook reader.
Gardening Basics for Dummies by Steven Frowine
This book is available as an eBook from out eBook platform, Big Country Overdrive. Anyone with a library card can borrow this eBook and download to your computer, Kindle or other eBook reader.
New Central Texas Gardener by Cheryl Hazeltine and Barry Lovelace
This book is also available online at the Texas Reference Center through the TexShare Databases. You need a free password from the Library to access this.
The Complete Guide to Growing Healing and Medicinal Herbs: Everything You Need to Know Explained Simply by Wendy Vincent
This book is available online at the Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center through the TexShare Databases. You need a free password from the Library to access this.
The Complete Guide to Preserving Your Own Seeds for Your Garden: Everything You Need to Know Explained Simply by Katharine Murphy
This book is available online at the Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center through the TexShare Databases. You need a free password from the Library to access this.
In the 635 call number range you will find a great assortment of books on all aspects of gardening – from flowers, herbs, fruits and vegetables to organic gardening, water features, roses and container gardening. Have fun browsing for the just the right book!
Texas Fruit & Vegetable Gardening by Greg Grant 635.09 GRAN
Excellent, colorful book for Texas gardeners growing fruits and vegetables!
Square Foot Gardening with Kids by Mel Bartholomew
This book is available as an eBook from out eBook platform, Big Country Overdrive. Anyone with a library card can borrow this eBook and download to your computer, Kindle or other eBook reader.
Grow All You Can Eat in Three Square Feet
This book is available as an eBook from out eBook platform, Big Country Overdrive. Anyone with a library card can borrow this eBook and download to your computer, Kindle or other eBook reader.
Gardening Basics for Dummies by Steven Frowine
This book is available as an eBook from out eBook platform, Big Country Overdrive. Anyone with a library card can borrow this eBook and download to your computer, Kindle or other eBook reader.
New Central Texas Gardener by Cheryl Hazeltine and Barry Lovelace
This book is also available online at the Texas Reference Center through the TexShare Databases. You need a free password from the Library to access this.
The Complete Guide to Growing Healing and Medicinal Herbs: Everything You Need to Know Explained Simply by Wendy Vincent
This book is available online at the Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center through the TexShare Databases. You need a free password from the Library to access this.
The Complete Guide to Preserving Your Own Seeds for Your Garden: Everything You Need to Know Explained Simply by Katharine Murphy
This book is available online at the Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center through the TexShare Databases. You need a free password from the Library to access this.
Gardening Magazines
Texas Gardener
A wonderful magazine! Texas has such unique weather, we need a magazine devoted to gardening in Texas! The library has the current issue for browsing and back issues for checking out. Also, at the Texas Reference Center through the TexShare Databases, you can access the complete text of back issues going back to 2004. You can read entire articles online or print them to read at your leisure. You need a free password from the library to access this, but don't neglect this wonderful resource on Texas gardening!
Mother Earth News
Another great magazine devoted to rural living. We have current and back issues at the library. Also, at Academic Search Complete through the TexShare Databases, you may browse, read and print back issues going back to 1984. You need a free password from the library to access this, but don't neglect this wonderful resource!
We do not have physical copies of this magazine in the library, but at Academic Search Complete through the TexShare Databases, you may browse, read and print back issues going back to 1984. You need a free password from the library to access this!
Rodale's Organic Life
This great gardening publication went out of print in 2017. However, you can browse, read and print back issues going back to 1984 at Academic Search Complete through the TexShare Databases. You need a free password from the library to access this!
American Gardener
The publication of the American Horticultural Society. You can browse, read and print back issues going back to 1996 at Academic Search Complete through the TexShare Databases. You need a free password from the library to access this, but it's well worth it!
The publication of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. You can browse, read and print back issues going back to 2013 at the Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center through the TexShare Databases. You need a free password from the library to access this, but it's well worth it!
Texas Gardener
A wonderful magazine! Texas has such unique weather, we need a magazine devoted to gardening in Texas! The library has the current issue for browsing and back issues for checking out. Also, at the Texas Reference Center through the TexShare Databases, you can access the complete text of back issues going back to 2004. You can read entire articles online or print them to read at your leisure. You need a free password from the library to access this, but don't neglect this wonderful resource on Texas gardening!
Mother Earth News
Another great magazine devoted to rural living. We have current and back issues at the library. Also, at Academic Search Complete through the TexShare Databases, you may browse, read and print back issues going back to 1984. You need a free password from the library to access this, but don't neglect this wonderful resource!
We do not have physical copies of this magazine in the library, but at Academic Search Complete through the TexShare Databases, you may browse, read and print back issues going back to 1984. You need a free password from the library to access this!
Rodale's Organic Life
This great gardening publication went out of print in 2017. However, you can browse, read and print back issues going back to 1984 at Academic Search Complete through the TexShare Databases. You need a free password from the library to access this!
American Gardener
The publication of the American Horticultural Society. You can browse, read and print back issues going back to 1996 at Academic Search Complete through the TexShare Databases. You need a free password from the library to access this, but it's well worth it!
The publication of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. You can browse, read and print back issues going back to 2013 at the Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center through the TexShare Databases. You need a free password from the library to access this, but it's well worth it!