Reference USA
Case study: starting at page 118
How people have used ReferenceUSA
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Don’t use phone numbers for telemarketing purposes—not scrubbed against DNC list.
How people have used ReferenceUSA
- Real estate agent—want everyone in a certain area
- Non-profit—limited budget, want to narrow businesses down
- Insurance—want certain types of business in Texas
- Church--reach out to people in area. What area? New movers.
- Consumer complaint—find a name and maybe an email address
- Corporate profile—Burt’s Bees
- Applying for a job—find out about a company
- On a roadtrip, want to know nearby… restaurants? Businesses?
- Find a lost family member. Find a neighbor’s phone number
- Find a neighbor. What was her name again? What is my neighbor's phone number?
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Don’t use phone numbers for telemarketing purposes—not scrubbed against DNC list.